Regulations and Guidelines for Tiny Homes in California


Are you interested in living in a tiny home in California but unsure about the legal regulations and rules? You're not alone. While many places in California are tiny-home friendly, others have stricter restrictions. At TinyHouseMe, we can help connect you with hundreds of tiny home builders to help you compare and choose the right builder. In this article, we provide you with insights into the rules and regulations that apply to tiny homes in California.

Are Tiny Homes Legal in California?

Yes, tiny homes are legal in California, but you must follow specific rules and regulations to live legally in a tiny home. You can legally live in a tiny house by obtaining a permit or connecting the tiny house to an RV park. You can obtain a permit via the planning department of your county or city. The approval of the permit depends on your location and your ability to follow specific restrictions, like maintaining a minimum lot size or placing the structure at a specific distance from the property line.

Which Counties in California Allow Tiny Homes?

While tiny homes are quite popular in California, not all counties are open to tiny living. Here is a list of a few California counties that welcome tiny homes and the restrictions imposed on these small dwellings:

  • Los Angeles: Tiny houses are allowed as accessory dwelling units (ADU). These ADUs need to meet specific requirements.

  • San Diego: Tiny houses are permissible as ADUs, and houses on wheels are also allowed in all zoning districts. All tiny structures need to meet California Building Codes.

  • Fresno County: Tiny homes are allowed as ADU but must meet strict size limits per local laws.

  • California City: Tiny houses are permissible as ADUs but must meet strict size limits.

  • San Luis Obispo County: Tiny homes are permissible as ADU and should meet specific size requirements.

  • Santa Cruz: Tiny homes on wheels are allowed in every zoning district, but they need to meet California Building Code.

  • Santa Barbara County: Tiny homes on wheels are allowed in every zoning district and need to meet the California Building Code.

Can You Permanently Stay in a Tiny Home in California?

Yes, you can permanently live in a tiny home in California, and many people are doing it. To live legally in a tiny house, you need to ensure that the prebuilt tiny homes meet California Building Codes. After that, you need to find a place to park the house. You can park the tiny home on your property or find RV parks and campgrounds that welcome tiny homes. Lastly, you need to know the cost of living in a tiny home. Although more affordable than traditional houses, they still come with expenses.

The Size of a Tiny Home in California

The minimum size of a tiny home in California is 100 square feet of interior footage. However, zoning rules and regulations vary depending on the county and city where you plan to have your tiny home. Check the local ordinances to know the exact size of a tiny home.

Rules and Regulations for Tiny Homes in California

Tiny homes need to meet the rules laid down by the California Building Standards Commission. These include:

  • The ceiling height of the tiny home needs to be at least 7 feet 6 inches

  • The tiny home must have a room with a gross floor area of 120 square feet

  • The tiny home needs to have a net floor area of 70 sq. ft for all living spaces

  • The tiny homes also need proper lighting, ventilation, emergency exits, plumbing, and other amenities.

  • The tiny homes should also have smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

  • Ensure the tiny structures are connected to water, sewer, and electricity facilities.

  • Many structures need permits from the local authorities.


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